Friday, July 29, 2011

summer's ending soon

summer's ending soon.  it's been a beautiful wonderful summer spent with the boys.  we've been swimming, blueberry picking, enjoyed movies and video gaming, been on vacation, and as our big finale - they're each having a friend over to spend the night. c had a classmate over last week.  they had a great time; we went hiking at moss rock and swimming and they had a huge nerf battle.  m is having his best buddy over next week.  having an extra kid over is alot of fun and insights alot more giggles, new giggles, boy giggles about things i can't comprehend why they think are funny, but they do. maybe one day they'll outgrow some of it - until then burps and flatulence will remain hysterical.

chris and i are making progress on the adoption/foster care front.  we go to our class every monday night and we work on the mountain of paperwork throughout the week.  i've told all about my childhood, my prior marriage, and our current marriage.  it's funny to see the answers we fill out separately; we really do complete and compliment one another.  our first of two homestudy visits is on the 9th.  please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  after the visit we still have medical exams, cpr classes, and background checks to obtain - all of which will be done by the end of august.  it's going to be a very busy month.  we're very excited, but like any expectant parent we're also both very nervous.

i haven't baked anything new in the last week or so.  i was given some homemade strawberry fig jam this week though and i'm really excited about trying it! i love finding people with common interests and sharing treats!

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