I really am trying to blog, but life seems to keep wrapping up my time - and not always with pretty packaging or a bow! I did get to break out "the red dress" for a special night out with my Dearest. We had a great time at The Veranda. I wish I'd taken pictures of the food! Boudin balls with pickled okra and delicious sweet potato fries crusted in some sort of tasty brown sugar with a french style honey mustard. mmmm Good!
The last couple of weeks have been very busy. The boys and I are always busy but with school around the corner we had extra fun with each of the boys' friends spending the night. I didn't know M's friend well, but he was very sweet and well-mannered and I was glad M enjoyed the time with him. This week M had his annual eye exam. His eyes continue to improve and he's getting a new prescription this year. He has to wear an eye patch for some strengthening for the next few months; I wish he were still young enough to think playing pirate was cool. It's been a struggle for us all the last few days. He's becoming quite the pre-teenager and is trying very hard to be assertive of his will. Sometimes it's quite the test.
We had our first home visit from our social worker yesterday. She met the boys and talked to them briefly, she viewed our home, and she spent some time talking with us. She was very complimentary and told us to continue collecting more things for placement time so we wouldn't be overwhelmed when it happens. WHEN, not if. That's all very positive and I was more relaxed afterward. She wants to go ahead and schedule the follow-up meeting! I suspect we'll be licensed early this fall and have our first placement sometime shortly after. I was a little crazy yesterday and or the couple days preceding the visit, so much thanks for the love, patience, and support of My Christopher. Our house is beyond very clean right now, so there are some advantages to it :)
As soon as she left I baked some muffins. Baking makes me happy, or maybe it reflects my inner happiness. I also got to wear my new apron my mom made me! It's fantastic! It has cupcake print!!
I think next time the social worker comes over, I'll force her to eat cobbler while I tell her all my strengths!
VERY cool! :D